
Continuous Certification FAQs

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About the Program

About the Assessment

FAQs - About the Program

General Program Information
New diplomates are automatically enrolled once they initially certify in any ABS specialty. Their first Continuous Certification Assessment is due two years after the academic year in which they initially certified. For example, diplomates in general surgery, vascular surgery, pediatric surgery, or complex general surgical oncology who passed their Certifying Exam in either the fall of 2022 or the spring of 2023 have their first assessment due in 2025. Diplomates in surgical critical care or hand surgery who passed their Certifying Exam in the fall of 2022 would have their first assessment due in 2024.

Current diplomates who have 10-year certificates that are expiring must enroll in the program before their certificate expires by registering for their first assessment in order to continue their certification. However, they must continue to maintain all other program requirements on an ongoing basis.
Once a diplomate registers for an assessment, they are automatically enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program. New diplomates are automatically enrolled in the program upon initial certification. Assessment registration must be completed every year in which an assessment is due, but program enrollment does not have to be repeated.
Once a diplomate registers for their first Continuous Certification Assessment and enrolls in the program, an annual fee of $285 will be required. If a diplomate maintains more than one ABS certification, they will be charged an additional annual fee of $150 for each additional certification once they take their first Continuous Certification Assessment in that specialty.

Diplomates should check their status periodically at My Continuous Certification to see if there are any Continuous Certification program requirements that are due. Diplomates must be up to date with all program requirements when registering for an assessment. At that time, diplomates must have two letters of reference that are no older than five years.

In order to enroll in the Continuous Certification Program and take the first Continuous Certification Assessment, diplomates must have 150 Category 1 CME credits, 50 of which must be self-assessment. After passing the first Continuous Certification Assessment, this requirement will be reduced to 125 Category 1 CME credits with no self-assessment required. In both cases, the CME must be no more than five years old.

For diplomates participating in Continuous Certification for more than one ABS specialty, these requirements do not need to be repeated for each certificate that a diplomate holds. The only requirements that must be repeated for each certificate are the assessment and the annual fee.

Given how quickly surgical knowledge and practice are changing, ABS felt it was important to move to a more modern program of ongoing education and assessment. The new program is also designed to be more convenient, flexible and practice-related, to better reflect how diplomates practice today. The goal is to support diplomates in improving the care they provide, while upholding the high standards of ABS certification.
The annual fee reflects the ongoing development of all aspects of the Continuous Certification Program, including diplomate status tracking, public reporting of diplomate status, self-service features in the ABS surgeon portal, and the new assessment process, which requires development of hundreds of new questions with explanations and references, as well as an online delivery platform. The annual fee of $285 covers all general program participation, including one assessment every other year. Diplomates will start paying the fee once they enroll in the program. If a diplomate maintains more than one ABS certification, they will be charged an additional annual fee of $150 for each additional certification once they take their first Continuous Certification Assessment in that specialty.

Diplomates who are enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program will not lose their certification until the end of the grace year, as long as they are current with their annual fee payment. If a diplomate has not passed their assessment by the end of the grace year, successful completion of a secure exam will be required to regain certification. Diplomates who do not register for their first assessment for entry into the Continuous Certification Program will not be enrolled and therefore, will not receive a grace year. These diplomates will lose certification once their current certificate expires.

Diplomates who do not remit payment for their annual fee in the year that they are due to complete an assessment will not automatically receive a grace year in the following year and will lose their certification on Dec. 31 of that year. These diplomates will be listed as "Not Certified" until their outstanding balance has been paid. Following payment of an outstanding balance, the grace year will be reinstated along with a "Certified" certification status.

Diplomates who no longer operate but still see patients may participate in Continuous Certification by fulfilling the program requirements in ways relevant to their current activities.

Diplomates who no longer see patients at all but are active in an administrative role (clinically inactive) must meet all requirements except for practice improvement. Refer to the ABS Clinically Inactive Policy for more details.

Diplomates who are no longer active in practice in any capacity (including in an administrative role) and do not wish to participate in the ABS Continuous Certification Program, may request a retired status. Please see our Retired policy for more information. These diplomates are welcome to participate in the Continuous Certification Program if they choose; please contact the ABS office for more details.
Once a diplomate registers for an assessment, they are automatically enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program. New diplomates are automatically enrolled in the program upon initial certification. Assessment registration must be completed every year in which an assessment is due, but program enrollment does not have to be repeated.
New diplomates are automatically enrolled once they initially certify in any ABS specialty. These diplomates will begin taking the assessment two years after they became certified.

Diplomates who achieve initial certification in either general surgery, vascular surgery*, pediatric surgery or complex general surgical oncology will complete their first Continuous Certification Assessment two years after the academic year in which they become certified (for example, if certified in one of these specialties in the 2023-2024 academic year, you will take your first assessment in fall 2026).

Diplomates who achieve initial certification in surgical critical care or hand surgery will complete their first assessment two years after certification (for example, if certified in one of these specialties in September 2022, you will complete your first assessment in fall 2024).

Current diplomates who have 10-year certificates that are expiring must enroll in the program before their certificate expires by registering for their first assessment in order to continue their certification. However, they must continue to maintain all other program requirements on an ongoing basis.

*Note: Due to the COVID-related rescheduling of the 2020 and 2021 Vascular Surgery Certifying Exams, those who became certified in vascular surgery in either January or July 2021 will take their first Vascular Surgery Continuous Certification Assessment in fall 2023.
Yes; diplomates in fellowships will still need to keep their Continuous Certification profiles updated (go to My Continuous Certification), including submitting fellowship information. Diplomates in a fellowship will have the CME and practice improvement requirements waived during their time in training. To qualify for this waiver, the fellowship must be at least 12 months (and no more than 2 years) in duration and accredited by the ACGME or a surgical organization with a formal accreditation process (e.g., SSO, ASTS, ACS, Fellowship Council, etc.).
Once a diplomate registers for their first Continuous Certification Assessment and enrolls in the program, an annual fee of $285 will be required. If a diplomate maintains more than one ABS certification, they will be charged an additional annual fee of $150 for each additional certification once they take their first Continuous Certification Assessment in that specialty.

Diplomates who are enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program will not lose their certification until the end of the grace year, as long as they are current with their annual fee payment. If a diplomate has not passed their assessment by the end of the grace year, successful completion of a secure exam will be required to regain certification. Diplomates who do not register for their first assessment for entry into the Continuous Certification Program will not be enrolled and therefore, will not receive a grace year. These diplomates will lose certification once their current certificate expires.

Diplomates who do not remit payment for their annual fee in the year that they are due to complete an assessment will not automatically receive a grace year in the following year and will lose their certification on Dec. 31 of that year. These diplomates will be listed as "Not Certified" until their outstanding balance has been paid. Following payment of an outstanding balance, the grace year will be reinstated along with a "Certified" certification status.

Program Requirements
For guidance on how to update your ongoing certification requirements, please see this document.

Diplomates should maintain their Continuous Certification program requirements on an ongoing basis, including CME, hospital or surgical center privileges (if clinically active), references, and participation in practice improvement activities.

In order to enroll in the Continuous Certification Program, diplomates must have 150 Category 1 CME credits, 50 of which must be self-assessment. After passing the first Continuous Certification Assessment, this requirement will be reduced to 125 Category 1 CME credits with no self-assessment required.

Diplomates can check their status anytime at My Continuous Certification to view when items are due and submit any necessary information. ABS will also keep diplomates regularly informed of their status, so it is very important for diplomates to keep their contact information updated, especially their email address.

Once a diplomate registers for their first Continuous Certification Assessment and enrolls in the program, an annual fee of $285 will be required. If a diplomate maintains more than one ABS certification, they will be charged an additional annual fee of $150 for each additional certification once they take their first Continuous Certification Assessment in that specialty.

Diplomates should check their status periodically at My Continuous Certification to see if there are any Continuous Certification program requirements that are due. Diplomates must be up to date with all program requirements when registering for an assessment. At that time, diplomates must have two letters of reference that are no older than five years.

In order to enroll in the Continuous Certification Program and take the first Continuous Certification Assessment, diplomates must have 150 Category 1 CME credits, 50 of which must be self-assessment. After passing the first Continuous Certification Assessment, this requirement will be reduced to 125 Category 1 CME credits with no self-assessment required. In both cases, the CME must be no more than five years old.

Diplomates may update their account regarding progress towards completion of ongoing program requirements at any time. All requirements must be met in order to complete registration for an assessment, even when the assessment is taken in the grace year.

For diplomates participating in Continuous Certification for more than one ABS specialty, these requirements do not need to be repeated for each certificate that a diplomate holds. The only requirements that must be repeated for each certificate are the assessment and the annual fee.

The CME activity will provide Category 1 credits and use a written or electronic question-and-answer exercise to assess a diplomate's understanding of the material presented. The CME credits are generally not awarded until a test or quiz is submitted. A passing score of 75% or higher must be required. See our CME page for more details and resources.
The form(s) should be filled out by a physician of a comparable position at the institution where a diplomate performs most of their work, such as the medical director or chief of staff. The two forms may not be filled out by the same person, or by someone who is a close friend or relative.
When updating practice improvement information (go to My Continuous Certification), diplomates will be asked to indicate or describe the type of practice improvement activity in which they are participating. No data is required. Note that the ABS audits a percentage of the submitted forms each year. If audited, diplomates will be asked to provide verification of enrollment or participation. No patient data will be collected.
Many outcomes tracking and quality assessment programs are hospital-based, so diplomates should first check with their hospital to see if any such programs are available. In addition, some surgical societies have programs for individual surgeons. If there are no programs available, diplomates should conduct their own practice assessment activity — please see the Practice Improvement page on the ABS website for further details and resources.
Diplomates who no longer operate but still see patients may participate in Continuous Certification by fulfilling the program requirements in ways relevant to their current activities.

Diplomates who no longer see patients at all but are active in an administrative role (clinically inactive) must meet all requirements except for practice improvement. Refer to the ABS Clinically Inactive Policy for more details.

Diplomates who are no longer active in practice in any capacity (including in an administrative role) and do not wish to participate in the ABS Continuous Certification Program, may request a retired status. Please see our Retired policy for more information. These diplomates are welcome to participate in the Continuous Certification Program if they choose; please contact the ABS office for more details.

Diplomates who are enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program and are not up to date with all program requirements at the time of assessment registration will be unable to take the assessment until those requirements have been fulfilled. Grace years are provided to diplomates in the program who do not pass an assessment when it is due, whether they do not register for the assessment or they are unsuccessful in their assessment attempt. In order to receive the grace year, diplomates must be current on their annual fee payment.

Diplomates who are unsuccessful in the assessment should ensure that their requirements stay up to date to be eligible to register for the assessment in the grace year.

Diplomates who do not remit payment for their annual fee in the year that they are due to complete an assessment will not automatically receive a grace year in the following year and will lose their certification on Dec. 31 of that year. These diplomates will be listed as "Not Certified" until their outstanding balance has been paid. Following payment of an outstanding balance, the grace year will be reinstated along with a "Certified" certification status.

Diplomates who are participating in the lapsed pathway do not receive any grace years during the five years in which they are completing the pathway requirements.

Most ongoing program requirements for Continuous Certification cover all certifications that a diplomate holds. Although there are no additional program requirements for maintaining multiple certificates, all program requirements must be up to date whenever registering for an assessment, so it is important to make sure that no previously fulfilled requirements have become outdated.

Diplomates should check their status periodically at My Continuous Certification to see if there are any Continuous Certification program requirements that are due.

Diplomates who are enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program will not lose their certification until the end of the grace year, as long as they are current with their annual fee payment. If a diplomate has not passed their assessment by the end of the grace year, successful completion of a secure exam will be required to regain certification. Diplomates who do not register for their first assessment for entry into the Continuous Certification Program will not be enrolled and therefore, will not receive a grace year. These diplomates will lose certification once their current certificate expires.

Diplomates who do not remit payment for their annual fee in the year that they are due to complete an assessment will not automatically receive a grace year in the following year and will lose their certification on Dec. 31 of that year. These diplomates will be listed as "Not Certified" until their outstanding balance has been paid. Following payment of an outstanding balance, the grace year will be reinstated along with a "Certified" certification status.

Lapsed diplomates have a special pathway that allows them to regain their certification within a short timeframe (year 1), but also ensures they are satisfactorily meeting the requirements of the Continuous Certification Program. Upon registration for their first Continuous Certification Assessment, all diplomates must be submit information regarding the program requirements including:

  • Medical license
  • Hospital or surgical center privileges
  • Professional references
  • Practice improvement activities
  • CME

Lapsed diplomates must also submit two additional reference letters, from peer surgeons who are familiar with their practice or current activities. Once a diplomate has fulfilled all of these requirements, they may register to take a Continuous Certification Assessment. This is an entirely online process that can typically be completed within a few days. Recently lapsed diplomates or diplomates with other ABS certificates will already have many of the items submitted.

Please note that letters of reference require ABS review upon submission and should be started in a timely manner to ensure that the reference has time to complete the documentation, and also to ensure that the diplomate will still have enough time to complete the assessment.

Lapsed diplomates must also take and pass two extra assessments during the initial five-year period of the pathway (in years 2 and 4); however, once the five-year period is completed, they will take the assessment on the standard schedule of every other year.

The annual fee reflects the ongoing development of all aspects of the Continuous Certification Program, including diplomate status tracking, public reporting of diplomate status, self-service features in the ABS surgeon portal, and the new assessment process, which requires development of hundreds of new questions with explanations and references, as well as an online delivery platform. The annual fee of $285 covers all general program participation, including one assessment every other year. Diplomates will start paying the fee once they enroll in the program. If a diplomate maintains more than one ABS certification, they will be charged an additional annual fee of $150 for each additional certification once they take their first Continuous Certification Assessment in that specialty.

Diplomates who are not yet enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program must still meet ongoing requirements to remain in good standing. This includes 150 Category 1 CME credits, 50 of which must be self-assessment. Most program requirements should be updated no less than every five years. Diplomates are encouraged to log in to their ABS portal periodically to check the status of their requirements.

Maintaining Multiple Certificates

Most ongoing program requirements for Continuous Certification cover all certifications that a diplomate holds. For example, diplomates do not need to submit additional reference forms for additional specialties, or complete additional CME. However, the assessment must be competed and annual fee be paid for each certificate that a diplomate maintains. The CME and practice improvement requirements should be completed in whichever areas best reflect the diplomate’s practice.

Once a diplomate registers for their first Continuous Certification Assessment and enters the program, an annual fee of $285 will be required. If a diplomate maintains more than one ABS certification, they will be charged an additional annual fee of $150 for each additional certification once they take their first Continuous Certification Assessment in that specialty.

Although there are no additional program requirements for maintaining multiple certificates, all program requirements must be up to date whenever registering for an assessment, so it is important to make sure that no previously fulfilled requirements have become outdated.

Most ongoing program requirements for Continuous Certification cover all certifications that a diplomate holds. Although there are no additional program requirements for maintaining multiple certificates, all program requirements must be up to date whenever registering for an assessment, so it is important to make sure that no previously fulfilled requirements have become outdated.

Diplomates should check their status periodically at My Continuous Certification to see if there are any Continuous Certification program requirements that are due.

Each diplomate is required to pay the annual fee of $285 and stay current on the other program requirements to maintain their certification status. If a diplomate maintains more than one ABS certification, they will be required to pay an additional annual fee of $150 for each additional certification once they take their first Continuous Certification Assessment in that specialty.

For example, if a diplomate has a general surgery certificate expiring in 2020, they must pay the annual fee of $285 and take the 2020 General Surgery Assessment to enter the Continuous Certification Program and maintain their general surgery certificate. If that same diplomate has a surgical critical care certificate expiring in 2026, they will not have to take their first Surgical Critical Care Assessment until 2026, and when they register for their first Surgical Critical Care Assessment, they will be asked to pay an additional $150 for a total annual fee of $435.

Diplomates have the option to reset their assessment schedule if they wish. Please contact the ABS office for information on how to change to an even- or odd-year assessment schedule. Diplomates participating in Continuous Certification for more than one discipline may do this if there is a preference for the assessments to fall in the same year or in alternate years.

If a diplomate who holds multiple certificates wishes to take all assessments in the same year, the assessments may be started at different times within the eight-week assessment window. Diplomates will receive up to two weeks to complete each assessment - the last day to begin any assessment to ensure that a diplomate has the full two weeks is Monday, Nov. 9, 2020.

If a diplomate has recently initially certified in general surgery or vascular surgery, they must hold that primary certificate to be eligible for certification in another ABS specialty. However, once that is achieved, they do not have to continue to maintain the primary certificate.

FAQs - About the Assessment

General Assessment Information
Once a diplomate registers for an assessment, they are automatically enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program. New diplomates are automatically enrolled in the program upon initial certification. Assessment registration must be completed every year in which an assessment is due, but program enrollment does not have to be repeated.

Diplomates with general surgery, vascular surgery, pediatric surgery, surgical critical care, complex general surgical oncology or hand surgery certificates expiring this year may use the new assessment process to continue their certification. Once participating in the new assessment, a diplomate's certification status will be contingent on passing the assessment every other year, as well as meeting other program requirements. However, if a diplomate does not pass the assessment in a given year, they will be able to retake it the following year (grace year) without loss of certification status, as long as they are up to date on their annual fee payment. Please see New Assessment Enrollment for more details.

Diplomates who do not remit payment for their annual fee in the year that they are due to complete an assessment will not automatically receive a grace year in the following year and will lose their certification on Dec. 31 of that year. These diplomates will be listed as "Not Certified" until their outstanding balance has been paid. Following payment of an outstanding balance, the grace year will be reinstated along with a "Certified" certification status.

Diplomates should check their status periodically at My Continuous Certification to see if there are any Continuous Certification program requirements that are due. Diplomates must be up to date with all program requirements when registering for an assessment. At that time, diplomates must have two letters of reference that are no older than five years.

In order to enroll in the Continuous Certification Program and take the first Continuous Certification Assessment, diplomates must have 150 Category 1 CME credits, 50 of which must be self-assessment. After passing the first Continuous Certification Assessment, this requirement will be reduced to 125 Category 1 CME credits with no self-assessment required. In both cases, the CME must be no more than five years old.

For diplomates participating in Continuous Certification for more than one ABS specialty, these requirements do not need to be repeated for each certificate that a diplomate holds. The only requirements that must be repeated for each certificate are the assessment and the annual fee.

Registration for the 2020 Continuous Certification Assessments will be available as of Aug. 10; ABS will notify diplomates at that time. To register for the new assessment, diplomates will need to be up to date with the other program requirements of Continuous Certification; diplomates can check their status anytime at My Continuous Certification. ABS will also keep diplomates informed of their status and when action is required to maintain a certification.

Diplomates should make sure to keep all contact information up to date, especially their email address. Diplomates may update their account at any time, including adding CME credits and requesting references.

ABS reviewed general surgery diplomates’ operative experience reports from the past few years, and those four areas (general surgery, abdomen, alimentary tract, breast) cover what were clearly the most frequently performed procedures. Additional practice-related areas are planned for the future, based on feedback from diplomates and surgical societies. Please note that the addition of any new modules will not be based just on feedback, but on meeting the needs of as many diplomates as possible.

The General Surgery Continuous Certification Assessment was the first to be offered in 2018 as general surgery is the largest ABS specialty. Similar assessments launched in fall 2019 for vascular surgery, pediatric surgery and surgical critical care, and in fall 2021 for complex general surgical oncology and hand surgery.

The ABS Continuous Certification Program has been designed to provide flexible, high-quality, practice-related learning and assessment to support surgeons in their practice. To support this goal, ABS provides topics for diplomates to focus their study efforts and references to provide transparency about the sources that support the development of the assessment.

The references reflect that the assessment primarily focuses on important evidence-based recent updates to surgical practice. Diplomates are neither required nor expected to read all of these references before or during the completion of the assessment, but are encouraged to review them to prepare for the questions that they will be presented with. Diplomates may also review the references as they complete their assessment, as individual questions are untimed to allow for self-study before choosing an answer.

ABS does not endorse or critically evaluate any review courses, and we do not believe that review courses are necessary to successfully complete any of the assessments.

Assessment Registration, Timing and Completion
Once a diplomate registers for an assessment, they are automatically enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program. New diplomates are automatically enrolled in the program upon initial certification. Assessment registration must be completed every year in which an assessment is due, but program enrollment does not have to be repeated.

To register for a Continuous Certification Assessment, diplomates must be meeting all other program requirements, which include:

  • Medical license
  • Hospital or surgical center privileges
  • Professional references
  • Practice improvement activities
  • CME
  • Annual fee

As long as a diplomate is meeting these requirements, they may register to take a Continuous Certification Assessment. Assessment registration is a completely online process — no hardcopy paper submissions are required.

The online registration process for all Continuous Certification Assessments will be available under My Continuous Certification by Aug. 1. A notice will be posted on the homepage at that time and notifications sent to eligible diplomates. Once logged in, diplomates will be able to access the forms needed to complete assessment registration. Diplomates should make sure to keep all contact information up to date, especially their email address. Diplomates may update their account at any time, including adding CME credits and requesting references.

Diplomates are encouraged to check that all registration items have in fact been completed. Registration is complete once all fees are paid, the digital signature is signed and all necessary requirements are marked with a green check. In most cases, registration is approved automatically within 24 hours. If the automated system finds any issues with an application, manual review by ABS staff will be required. If a diplomate’s application is under review, it is recommended that they continue to check back over the next couple of weeks.

Diplomates will be notified by email at the start of the start of the assessment window on Sept. 7, 2020 and may then choose their own start date. As a reminder, diplomates will be granted two weeks to complete the assessment when there are at least two weeks remaining in the assessment window. Your personal window begins the moment the assessment is launched and does not restart at any point.

In most cases, registration is approved automatically within 24 hours. If the automated system finds any issues with an application, manual review by ABS staff will be required. If a diplomate’s application is under review, it is recommended that they continue to check back over the next couple of weeks. Therefore, if a diplomate has any concerns about the timing of their registration, it's better to begin the registration process before the assessment window begins.
Correctly answering 80% of the questions is required to pass, with two chances to answer. A score of at least 40% must be achieved on the first attempt to qualify for a second attempt in the same testing administration, so frequent guessing is not a recommended strategy. Those who do not answer a minimum of 16 questions (40%) correctly on their first attempt or 32 questions (80%) correctly by their second attempt will be granted a grace year and will be able to retake it the following year without loss of certification status.
Diplomates who score at least 40% on their first assessment attempt will receive a second attempt.
Diplomates will be granted two weeks to complete the assessment when there are at least two weeks remaining in the assessment window. Your personal window begins the moment the assessment is launched and does not restart at any point.

ABS encourages diplomates to do their best on all assessment attempts. Correctly answering 80% of the questions is required to pass, with two chances to answer. A score of at least 40% must be achieved on the first attempt to qualify for a second attempt in the same testing administration, so frequent guessing is not a recommended strategy. Those who do not answer a minimum of 16 questions (40%) correctly on their first attempt or 32 questions (80%) correctly by their second attempt will be granted a grace year and will be able to retake it the following year without loss of certification status. A $50 fee will be charged for taking the assessment in the grace year.

Diplomates who are enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program and are not up to date with all program requirements at the time of assessment registration will be unable to take the assessment until those requirements have been fulfilled. Grace years are provided to diplomates in the program who do not pass an assessment when it is due, whether they do not register for the assessment or they are unsuccessful in their assessment attempt. In order to receive the grace year, diplomates must be current on their annual fee payment.

If a diplomate does not pass the assessment in the grace year, they will lose certification. Regaining certification after the grace year will then require successful completion of a secure exam.

Diplomates who do not remit payment for their annual fee in the year that they are due to complete an assessment will not automatically receive a grace year in the following year and will lose their certification on Dec. 31 of that year. These diplomates will be listed as "Not Certified" until their outstanding balance has been paid. Following payment of an outstanding balance, the grace year will be reinstated along with a "Certified" certification status.

Diplomates who are participating in the lapsed pathway do not receive any grace years during the five years in which they are completing the pathway requirements.

Diplomates who are enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program will not lose their certification until the end of the grace year, as long as they are current with their annual fee payment. If a diplomate has not passed their assessment by the end of the grace year, successful completion of a secure exam will be required to regain certification. Diplomates who do not register for their first assessment for entry into the Continuous Certification Program will not be enrolled and therefore, will not receive a grace year. These diplomates will lose certification once their current certificate expires.

Diplomates who do not remit payment for their annual fee in the year that they are due to complete an assessment will not automatically receive a grace year in the following year and will lose their certification on Dec. 31 of that year. These diplomates will be listed as "Not Certified" until their outstanding balance has been paid. Following payment of an outstanding balance, the grace year will be reinstated along with a "Certified" certification status.

Certificate status will be updated once results have been validated - several weeks after the close of the assessment window but no later than Dec. 31 of that year.

The preliminary score report that appears in your portal immediately after completing a Continuous Certification Assessment is provided as confirmation of completion until the assessment window closes for all candidates. This preliminary report may be provided to credentialers until your official score report is available.

Once the window closes, ABS psychometricians will review all results and validate all assessments. Final score reports, with detailed feedback, will be provided to diplomates in their portal within 4-6 weeks of the close of the examination window. Diplomate certification status, which reflects the final results of the assessment, will be available on the ABS website BEFORE December 31 of that year.

Grace Year

ABS encourages diplomates to do their best on all assessment attempts. Correctly answering 80% of the questions is required to pass, with two chances to answer. A score of at least 40% must be achieved on the first attempt to qualify for a second attempt in the same testing administration, so frequent guessing is not a recommended strategy. Those who do not answer a minimum of 16 questions (40%) correctly on their first attempt or 32 questions (80%) correctly by their second attempt will be granted a grace year and will be able to retake it the following year without loss of certification status. A $50 fee will be charged for taking the assessment in the grace year.

Diplomates who are enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program and are not up to date with all program requirements at the time of assessment registration will be unable to take the assessment until those requirements have been fulfilled. Grace years are provided to diplomates in the program who do not pass an assessment when it is due, whether they do not register for the assessment or they are unsuccessful in their assessment attempt. In order to receive the grace year, diplomates must be current on their annual fee payment.

If a diplomate does not pass the assessment in the grace year, they will lose certification. Regaining certification after the grace year will then require successful completion of a secure exam.

Diplomates who do not remit payment for their annual fee in the year that they are due to complete an assessment will not automatically receive a grace year in the following year and will lose their certification on Dec. 31 of that year. These diplomates will be listed as "Not Certified" until their outstanding balance has been paid. Following payment of an outstanding balance, the grace year will be reinstated along with a "Certified" certification status.

Diplomates who are participating in the lapsed pathway do not receive any grace years during the five years in which they are completing the pathway requirements.

Diplomates who are enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program and are not up to date with all program requirements at the time of assessment registration will be unable to take the assessment until those requirements have been fulfilled. Grace years are provided to diplomates in the program who do not pass an assessment when it is due, whether they do not register for the assessment or they are unsuccessful in their assessment attempt. In order to receive the grace year, diplomates must be current on their annual fee payment.

Diplomates who are unsuccessful in the assessment should ensure that their requirements stay up to date to be eligible to register for the assessment in the grace year.

Diplomates who do not remit payment for their annual fee in the year that they are due to complete an assessment will not automatically receive a grace year in the following year and will lose their certification on Dec. 31 of that year. These diplomates will be listed as "Not Certified" until their outstanding balance has been paid. Following payment of an outstanding balance, the grace year will be reinstated along with a "Certified" certification status.

Diplomates who are participating in the lapsed pathway do not receive any grace years during the five years in which they are completing the pathway requirements.

Diplomates will not be required to share the details of the event, explain why they were unable to complete the assessment, or petition the board as to why they were unable to complete the assessment. As long as the diplomate is enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program and has paid any outstanding annual fee balance, they will be able to remain certified and take the assessment the following year during the grace year. If the diplomate is in their grace year, they must complete and pass the assessment to remain certified.

Diplomates who are in the lapsed pathway do not receive any grace years. See our Lapsed policy for more information. There is no lifetime limit on the number of grace years a diplomate may use. However, diplomates who are currently in a grace year and do not pass the assessment will not be issued another grace year at that time.

Diplomates who are enrolled in the Continuous Certification Program will not lose their certification until the end of the grace year, as long as they are current with their annual fee payment. If a diplomate has not passed their assessment by the end of the grace year, successful completion of a secure exam will be required to regain certification. Diplomates who do not register for their first assessment for entry into the Continuous Certification Program will not be enrolled and therefore, will not receive a grace year. These diplomates will lose certification once their current certificate expires.

Diplomates who do not remit payment for their annual fee in the year that they are due to complete an assessment will not automatically receive a grace year in the following year and will lose their certification on Dec. 31 of that year. These diplomates will be listed as "Not Certified" until their outstanding balance has been paid. Following payment of an outstanding balance, the grace year will be reinstated along with a "Certified" certification status.

Grace years are available for everyone in good standing and participating in the Continuous Certification Program, whenever an assessment is normally due. There is no “predetermined” maximum number of grace years that a diplomate could receive. However, those who are currently in a grace year and do not pass the assessment will not be issued another grace year at that time.

For example, if a diplomate fails the assessment in 2023 and passes during the grace year in 2024, their next regularly scheduled assessment is in 2025. If that same diplomate fails the assessment in 2025, they will receive a grace year in 2026. However, if they fail the assessment in 2024 (during the grace year), they will lose certification. Regaining certification at that point will require successful completion of a secure exam.

Using the grace year does not reset the schedule of when assessments are due. For example, if a diplomate fails the assessment in 2023 and passes during the grace year in 2024, their next regularly scheduled assessment is due in 2025.

However, all diplomates have the option to reset their assessment schedule if they wish. Please contact the ABS office for information on how to change to an even- or odd-year assessment schedule. Diplomates participating in Continuous Certification for more than one discipline may do this if there is a preference for the assessments to fall in the same year or in alternate years.

Lapsed Diplomates

Lapsed diplomates have a special pathway that allows them to regain their certification within a short timeframe (year 1), but also ensures they are satisfactorily meeting the requirements of the Continuous Certification Program. Upon registration for their first Continuous Certification Assessment, all diplomates must be submit information regarding the program requirements including:

  • Medical license
  • Hospital or surgical center privileges
  • Professional references
  • Practice improvement activities
  • CME

Lapsed diplomates must also submit two additional reference letters, from peer surgeons who are familiar with their practice or current activities. Once a diplomate has fulfilled all of these requirements, they may register to take a Continuous Certification Assessment. This is an entirely online process that can typically be completed within a few days. Recently lapsed diplomates or diplomates with other ABS certificates will already have many of the items submitted.

Please note that letters of reference require ABS review upon submission and should be started in a timely manner to ensure that the reference has time to complete the documentation, and also to ensure that the diplomate will still have enough time to complete the assessment.

Lapsed diplomates must also take and pass two extra assessments during the initial five-year period of the pathway (in years 2 and 4); however, once the five-year period is completed, they will take the assessment on the standard schedule of every other year.

Certificate status will be updated once results have been validated - several weeks after the close of the assessment window but no later than Dec. 31 of that year.
Diplomates who are participating in the lapsed pathway do not receive any grace years during the five years in which they are completing the pathway requirements. If a diplomate does not pass the assessment at any time during this five-year, they will lose certification. Regaining certification will then require successful completion of a secure examination at a testing center.
