
DABS - Diplomate of the American Board of Surgery

  • To assist diplomates in promoting their ABS certification, we recently trademarked the term DABS™ for use after their name. Current diplomates are welcome to add this term to business cards, websites and other materials. As this is a new term, you may wish to also include explanatory text, like so:
    • Jane E. Smith, M.D., DABS (Diplomate of the American Board of Surgery)
    • OR
    • Jane E. Smith, M.D., DABS
      Diplomate, The American Board of Surgery
  • Diplomates may also promote their ABS certification with personalized brochures to be displayed in offices. Please see below for samples of these brochures, and contact the ABS office to request your personalized version.
  • When requesting your brochure, include in your email the informtaion that you would like displayed on your brochure (surgeon(s) name(s), name of practice, address, email, website, phone number, etc.).
  • Please note that use of the ABS logo by diplomates is not permitted. For more information on displaying certification status, please see Representation of Certification Status.
  • Posted: February 2019
